Read more about the article What are the Six Human Needs and how do they relate to motivation?
What are the Six Human Needs and how do they relate to motivation?

What are the Six Human Needs and how do they relate to motivation?

We hear a lot these days about motivation, it seems to be the buzzword of the decade, and quite rightly so, highly motivated staff lead to engaged employees lead to a happier working environment lead to higher productivity!

However, the ‘sixty thousand dollar’ question always is ‘What actually motivates someone?’ There are many motivation theories out there but the one I want to highlight in this post is related to our basic needs  as humans and what happens when they aren’t met.

In the 1950’s Maslow articulated the Hierarchy of Needs, outlining how our needs change as we evolve as a society and as an individual. A model related to this but with a somewhat different perspective is the Six Human Needs model popularized by Anthony Robbins. (more…)

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Read more about the article Coach yourself in four easy steps
Coach yourself in four easy steps

Coach yourself in four easy steps

Coaching really is the buzz word in management today. But what is coaching and how can you benefit from its techniques to improve your life?

Coaching recognises that we have the answer to our problems deep inside us and it is via the asking of powerful and effective questions that we can begin to uncover and explore options that will lead us to solutions. (more…)

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Read more about the article The new depths of motivation
The new depths of motivation - Business LEarning Solutions

The new depths of motivation

“When it comes to motivation, there’s a gap between what science knows and what business does.

Our current business operating system – which is built around external, carrot-and-stick motivators – doesn’t work and often does harm. We need an upgrade. And the science shows the way. This new approach has three essential elements:

  1. AUTONOMY – the desire to direct our own lives
  2. MASTERY the urge to get better and better at something that matters
  3. PURPOSE –  the yearning to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves”

That’s a summary from a great book I’ve just read about motivation called Drive by Daniel H. Pink. and it really struck a chord with me. (more…)

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Read more about the article Your most important relationship…
Your most important relationship is you - Business Learning Solutions

Your most important relationship…

I’ve got back from giving a three day managment skills course –  Great group, so very enjoyable. I’m  on my own right now and it’s just struck me how much I NEED to be on my own after spending three days away. Training in itself can be quite exhausting, you give out so much energy, you’re “on stage” and the attention is on you for most of the time, so it’s vital to recharge your batteries.

But how many of us don’t consider how much of our core energy is being sucked away in our daily interactions with people?  How many people don’t consider the importance of “me time”, of being on your own, of only doing what you feel like doing regardless of the rest of the world. (more…)

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Read more about the article Go From Confusion To Clarity Using Powerful Questions
The Power of Questions - Business LEarning Solutions

Go From Confusion To Clarity Using Powerful Questions

As a coach, trained to ask powerful questions I have no doubt of just that – that questions are by definition powerful.

I had lunch with a friend the other day who is feeling uncertain about her professional future and wanted to chew things over (as well as the lunch) with me. I gently slid into coach mode and she got clarity very quickly. It made me realise that when we speak to our friends and family they automatically start giving us advice and we often come away not feeling any clearer about our issue because WE  haven’t taken responsibility to decide our actions, we’ve just listened to what THEY would do. (more…)

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