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Presenting in English: how to handle questions

Presenting in English: how to handle questions

For many people who have to give presentations in English, the most nerve-wracking part is when they have to answer questions. The nervousness doesn’t come from the fear that they won’t  know the answer, it comes from thinking that they won’t understand the question in English and will also have problems answering it in a grammatically correct way. At the end of the day, you can control the content of your presentation in terms of what YOU say, but you can’t control the questions the audience will ask you.

To face “question time” as confidently as possible, follow these tips: (more…)

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Read more about the article Eight tips on how to deliver a presentation in English
Eight tips on how to deliver a presentation in English

Eight tips on how to deliver a presentation in English

In the previous post we talked about how to prepare a presentation in English to give you maximum confidence; the more effectively you prepare, the more confident you will feel.

Here we’re going to consider what you must think about when you are actually in front of your audience – how to effectively deliver your presenation in English

  1. Outline to your audience how your presentation will be structured:  e.g. I will first explain…/Then I will…/After that…/Finally… Clear structuring is fundamental and really makes the difference between a professional and a weak presentation. You must keep your audience with you all the way through your talk and you do this by effective structuring. They need to know where you are in the presentation at any one time and they need to know what is coming next
  2. Speak slowly and with pauses: It may not seem natural to you, but it will seem very natural to your audience. To sound professional in anypresentation, we must speak 20% slower than we do in normal conversations.
  3. Use longer pauses to give you and your audience time to assimilate the message: the use of pauses with a facial expression of confidence is very powerful and professional.  Practise this tip and USE IT (more…)

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Read more about the article Tips on giving a presentation in English
Tips on giving a presentation in English

Tips on giving a presentation in English

For many people giving a presentation is an extremely nerve wracking experience especially if they have to give it in a foreign language.

In this post I’m going to give you some tips on preparing the presentation and working on the content. In the next post, I’ll continue with delivery and how to deal with questions.

If you have to give presentations in English and are looking for ways to become more confident, following the tips below will definitely help you.

Preparing the Presentation

  1.  Reconnect with English: At least 20 days before your presentation immerse yourself in English for at least 30 minutes per day. This allows the brain’s neurotransmitters to reconnect with the language. Watch a film, read English out loud or listen to a radio station in English.
  2. Structure the presentation with specific phrases: Learn the phrases you will use to open, move through and conclude your presentation. (more…)

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